Monday, October 15, 2012

Journal Two: The Walking Dead

                                           Fear the Walkers

         In the article, ‘Walking Dead’: On set with Michonne, The Governor — but oddly, no zombies, Gina McIntyre was reflecting on a popular AMC television series called The Walking Dead. The Walking Dead is starting its third season and is one of the most popular basic cable shows out there with over 9 million viewers. This show is spawned from Robert Kirkman’s comic series and has been adapted into its on screen form. Now, I personally love this show, because I have read all of the comics in this series and I think this is a fantastic story line. The whole show revolves around a group of survivors from this “zombie apocalyptic” and how they deal with finding shelter and surviving these zombies or as there know in the show: walkers. It is fascinating seeing the portrayal of the human revolution and what people do when there are no rules. Overall it’s an amazing well-produced series that is great for a wide array of people.
         Gina McIntyre was responding on how the producer, Glen Mazzara, is giving his own adaption of Robert Kirkman’s series. He loves the characters, storyline and great concept of Kirkman’s amazing work, but also wants to better the story himself and make the show have a little bit of his own twist. I think this is really cool to see such a great original idea taken and produced into such an awesome visual adaptation. This also gives the avid readers of the series a little bit more excitement as the seasons progress to see what Mazzara has in mind. As for what I have seen thus far, this show is only going get better and will be one of the best series on the air.
Youtube Video: youtube, and from my article in hero complex

Picture Source: image.jpg&w=570&h=340&ei=oHZ8UOOEH8faywHBx4DoDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=423&vpy=122&dur=1551&hovh=173&hovw=291&tx=206&ty=102&sig=116290683341346210878&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=235&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:156

1 comment:

  1. Just from what I have heard from other people, is that this show is an amazing show. I never had heard about until I came to school. It is a very interesting concept, which allows for people to stay very engaged. I think it was a good idea for you to post about this in your blog. Since you know so much about the show and the comics, people who are reading your blog can become well informed of an interesting work.
